Projects may be related to research (R), education (E), industry (I), and internationalization (IN).
As Project leader:
- (R, I) WP2 bacterial meal production. In project: Development of BM with tailored high-lipid content for use as a feed additive in Aquaculture, USN. Founded by The Norwegian Council of Research, KSP project 326846 (2021-2025). Project owner and the partner Arctic University of Norway.
- (R, I) Bio-oil Decomposition and Chemical Characterization: An overview for Regional Uses. Founded by The Norwegian Council of Research, project 328352 (2021-2022). Project owner USN, Project Partner Scanship AS.
- (R,I) Bioelectrochemical Reactor for Biogas Upgrading with Methane production from CO2 (BioUp), NFR-321249 (2020-2021). For USN with Kjeller Innovation as Partner.
- (R, I) Efficient upgrading of municipal wastewater treatment plants (2017-2021). RFFOFJOR 256899. With USN, partners Biowater Technology AS, Porsgrunn Commune.
- (R, I) WP1 Instrumentation and control of upflow reactors (ECSBs). In project: Digitalisation in the operation, monitoring and control of large-scale biogas plants (DIGI) (2019-2022), ENERGIX-Project. With USN, partners Biokraft AS, Scandinavian Biogas Fuel AB, NTNU, NMBU, Sintef.
- (R, I) Biogas plant upgrading with a thermochemical and biological integrated solution (2019-2022), RFFOFJOR-298980. With USN, partner WAI Environmental Solutions AS, Grenland Vestfold Biogass AS.
- WP1: Anaerob råtning av pressvæske og vandig kondensat fra mellom hurtig pyrolyse prosessen. In project: Decarbonize, Ny bærekraftig teknologi for desentralisert produksjon av biokarbon for jord og- vektsmedier (2022) BIONÆR-296286. With USN, partners StandardBio, Rise PFI, Sintef Industri.
- (R,I) Techniques and methods for the production of high quality and stabilized bio-fertilizer (2018-2019), FORREGION-296980. With USN, partners Grønt Skifte AS, and Lindum AS.
- (R,I) Treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater containing metformin using high rate Hybrid Vertical Anaerobic reactor, HyVAB (2017). With USN, partners Biowater Technology and Vistin Pharma.
- (I) Start-up, and management support for food waste biogas plants(2) based on operational and chemical data (2013-2019). Two projects with intercommunal treatment plants.
- (I) Calcium nitrate dosage in full-scale biogas reactor for process optimization at Hadeland and Ringerike Avfallsseleskap (2016). With YARA SA International.
- (R,I) Towards the implementation of an environmentally friendly, cost effective treatment system for reject waters from food waste biogas plants (2015-2016). With USN, partner Indre Agder og Telemark avfallsseleskap.
- (R, I) Biological sulphide removal from wastewater streams (2013-2015). With USN Partner YARA SA International.
- (I) Characterization and analysis of wastewater streams and sources data with significance to the wastewater treatment plant management and effect over the effluent parameters at Slagentangen oil refinery (2007-2009). With ExxonMobil for Biotek AS.
As Technical Manager
- (R, I) Renewable Norwegian activated carbon for odor removal (2018-2019), RFFOFJOR -289172. With USN, partner YARA SA International and Sintef.
- (R, I) Sludge Valorisation via Gasification – a Study with Digested Sewage Sludge and Industrial Sludge in Oslo Fjord Region (2018-2019), RFFOFJOR-279574. With USN, partner WAI environmental solutions SA.
- (R, I) WP2: Anaerobic methane production from lignocellulose in biofilm reactors. In project: PyroGas – Coproduction of biogas transportation fuel and biocarbon reductant material from lignocellulose side streams by combining anaerobic digestion and pyrolysis technology. ENERGIX-269322. With USN for Norske Skog Saugbrugs AS.
- (R, I) Biogas potential assessment of the THP treated organic sludge centrate (2016-2017). With USN, partner (founded by) Cambi AS.
- (R, I) Biogass 2020. Främja produktion och distribution av energi som hämtas från förnybara källor (2016-2018). Interreg, Ӧresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak, European Regional Development Fund. With USN as Partner in EU prosjekt.
- (R, I) Reject water treatment at Lillevik RA Larvik (Forprosjekt RFFOFJOR 260457). 2016-2017. With USN partner Larvik kommune and Biowater Technology AS.
- (R, E) Several projects related to Biogas production from fruit residues, 2006-2010
Other project participations
- (IN, E) Carbon and nutrients recovery in waste/wastewater management processes, UT FORSPK partnership programme 2016, UTF- 2016/1004. Partnership with Chinese universities (4).
- (R) Agricultural Biogas Technology TUC, 2006-2016.
- (E) Stablishing the Center for the Research of Biomass Potential (Technology transfer project, Norway-Slovakia), 2015-2016. With TUC, partners Tel-Tek.
- (IN, E) Ukrainian-Norwegian Collaboration on Higher Education for Sustainable Energy Development” Eurasia Programme – SIU, CPEA-2010/10050, 2011-2013.
- (R) From biogas to fertilizer, BGG project, 2012.
- (R) Anaerobic degradation of amine waste (MEA) from CO2 chemical absorption TUC-TelTek.
- (R, I) Anaerobic degradation of petrochemical wastes. Statoil, 2006
- (R, E) Several projects related to Biogas production from fruit residues, 2006-2010
- (R) Fermentative hydrogen production in anaerobic continuous stirred tank reactor TUC, 2004-2010
- (R) Effluents and Nutrient Budgets in Shrimp Ponds with Different Management Practices. Ecuador, CENAIM, 1999-2001.
Ph.D. Main Supervisor
- Syngas fermentation and bioelectrochemistry integration in biogas process. Vasan Sivalingam, 2019-2022.
- Bioelectrical mediated sulphide oxidation, Vibeke Karlsen, 2020-2023.
- Bioelectrochemical Methanation, Vafa Ahmedi, 2021-2024.
- Microbial electrochemical system for CO2 conversion to methane: Optimizing process parameters experimental and modelling approach. Neha Chopra, 2019-.
- Electrochemical unit integration in methanogenic reactors. Anirudh Nelabhotla, 2016-2019. Graduated
- Biological Removal of Sulphide in EGSB Reactor. Michal Sposób, 2015-2018. Graduated
Ph.D. co-Supervisor
- Anaerobic Digestion of Manure Slurry in Sludge Bed Reactors. Wenche H. Bergland, 2009-2015. Graduated
M.Sc. Thesis, Supervisor
- Electrochemical sulphide oxidation- An experimental study, Hudda Samir Abukar Muhidin, 2021.
- Syngas Fermentation catalysed by electroactive biofilm, Pouria Parhizkarabyaneh, 2021.
- Design of bioelectrochemical reactor, Mahedi Hassan, 2020.
- Bioelectrochemical mediated syngas fermentation. Vafa Ahmadi, 2020.
- Mimic syngas fermentation in a pressure reactor. Omodara Babafemi Dare, 2019.
- Effect of hydraulic retention time on electrochemical biogas upgrade. Mahdi Khoshbakhtian, 2019.
- Monitoring and process evaluation of continuous stirred biogas reactor under semi-continuous dosages of Ca(NO3)2. Diego Carvajal, 2018.
- Effects of nitrate addition on anaerobic digestion of high content organic substrate in semi-continuous fed reactors. Kadja Borges Bless, 2018.
- Microbial catalysis of syngas fermentation into fuels precursors- An experimental approach. Pratap Jung Rai, 2017.
- Modelling and simulation of syngas fermentation for the production of biofuels precursors. Rostyslav Kravchuk. 2017.
- Are the energy pathways diverted by temperature in biological sulphide oxidation? Valerii Vyshniakov, 2017.
- Methods evaluation for the treatment of reject water from a food-waste biogas plant. Amund Heggholmen, 2016.
- Kinetic study on biological sulphide removal at low temperatures. Jens Podevyn (Erasmus, Belgium) 2016.
- Temperature Monitoring & controlling of an up-flow reactor with re-circulation: Design and implementation. Bovinda Ahangama Egodage, 2015.
- Estimations on energy use, CO2 emissions-reduction and added value on a Norwegian farm small scale biogas plant, Lorenzo Rubino (Erasmus, Italy), 2014
- Modelling and simulation of autotrophic and heterotrophic sulphide denitrification Reetu Bartula, 2013.
- Sulphide removal in low strength wastewater stream using EGSB reactor, Mehrdad Torabzadegan, 2013.
- Comparative study of the landfills leachate characterization and its biogas potential at the damping sites in Kiev region Nataliia Nauchu (Internationalization project, Ukraine), 2013
- Biological sulphur removal. Clara Agustín Ingelmo, (Erasmus, Spain), 2012
- Factors influencing homoacetogenic hydrogen consumption. Shiva Prasad Amgai, 2010
- Biogas Feed Analysis, Yuan Song, 2010.
- Hydrogen consumption in acidogenic processes Jingxuan Liu, 2009
- Study of hydrogen sinks in anaerobic process for sludge treatment. Maitane Gañan Henales (Erasmus, Spain), 2008.
- Fermentative hydrogen production in an anaerobic CSTR Jaime Arenillas Lara (Erasmus, Spain), 2006,